Performance must have first aired or been screened in Canada or internationally between June 2, 2023, and June 1, 2024.
The performance must be on a domestic or international UBCP/ACTRA or ACTRA signatory production.
The submitted performer must be a UBCP/ACTRA (BC branch) member in good standing. Suspended, Resigned, and/or Withdrawn members are not eligible to apply.
All short content must be under 22 minutes.
You can either include a single scene from the production that is approximately 2 minutes long, or you can opt for up to 3 scenes, with the total duration not exceeding 3 minutes.
The full episode and full production must be submitted along with the clip compilation.
If you are submitting a web series, ONLY A SINGLE EPISODE is eligible. Do not submit a body of work or the complete series.
The submitted performance should be integral to the storyline and not a one-off isolated scene.
How to Submit
Complete the submission form below.
Check your email for your unique video submission number.
To submit a clip and production, send the file directly via a file sharing program (WeTransfer, Hightail, Dropbox etc.) or have your file hosted on a website with the download capability enabled.
Send video clip and full production to [email protected]. The file must be labeled using the following format: #[submission number]_[full name]_[union number]_[production title]. For example: #4567_John Smith_1245_Production_Title
If you are providing a link for the submission, it MUST be downloadable.