Performance must have first aired or been screened in Canada or internationally between June 2, 2023, and June 1, 2024.
The performance must be on a domestic or international UBCP/ACTRA or ACTRA signatory production.
The submitted performer must be a UBCP/ACTRA (BC branch) member in good standing. Suspended, Resigned, and/or Withdrawn members are not eligible to apply.
You must include a minimum of three scenes from the production.
The submission clip should not exceed 15 minutes.
The full episode and full production must be submitted along with the clip compilation.
How to Submit
Complete the submission form below.
Check your email for your unique video submission number.
To submit a clip and production, send the file directly via a file sharing program (WeTransfer, Hightail, Dropbox etc.) or have your file hosted on a website with the download capability enabled.
Send video clip and full production to [email protected]. The file must be labeled using the following format: #[submission number]_[full name]_[union number]_[production title]. For example: #4567_John Smith_1245_Production_Title
If you are providing a link for the submission, it MUST be downloadable.